XBee Firmware Library  1.6.0
Data Structures | Typedefs | Functions | Variables

ZigBee Device Objects (ZDO) and ZigBee Device Profile (ZDP). More...

Data Structures

union  zdo_bind_req_t


typedef PACKED_STRUCT zdo_active_ep_req_t
typedef PACKED_STRUCT zdo_active_ep_rsp_header_t
 see ZDO_STATUS_* macros More...
typedef PACKED_STRUCT zdo_bind_address_req_t
typedef PACKED_STRUCT zdo_bind_group_req_t
typedef PACKED_STRUCT zdo_bind_req_header_t
typedef union zdo_bind_req_t zdo_bind_req_t
typedef PACKED_STRUCT zdo_complex_desc_req_t
typedef PACKED_STRUCT zdo_device_annce_t
 frame format for a ZDO Device_annce announcement More...
typedef PACKED_STRUCT zdo_ieee_addr_req_t
 frame format for ZDO IEEE_addr request More...
typedef zdo_nwk_addr_rsp_header_t zdo_ieee_addr_rsp_header_t
typedef PACKED_STRUCT zdo_match_desc_out_clust_t
typedef PACKED_STRUCT zdo_match_desc_req_t
 header for ZDO Match_Desc request More...
typedef PACKED_STRUCT zdo_match_desc_rsp_header_t
 see ZDO_STATUS_* macros More...
typedef PACKED_STRUCT zdo_mgmt_leave_req_t
 frame format for a ZDO Management Leave Request More...
typedef PACKED_STRUCT zdo_mgmt_leave_rsp_t
typedef PACKED_STRUCT zdo_node_desc_req_t
typedef PACKED_STRUCT zdo_node_desc_resp_t
 see ZDO_STATUS_* macros More...
typedef PACKED_STRUCT zdo_node_desc_t
 frame format for ZDO Node_Desc response More...
typedef PACKED_STRUCT zdo_nwk_addr_req_t
 frame format for ZDO NKW_addr request More...
typedef PACKED_STRUCT zdo_nwk_addr_rsp_header_t
typedef PACKED_STRUCT zdo_power_desc_req_t
typedef PACKED_STRUCT zdo_power_desc_rsp_t
 frame format for ZDO Power_Desc response More...
typedef PACKED_STRUCT zdo_power_desc_t
 format for ZDO PowerDescriptor More...
typedef PACKED_STRUCT zdo_simple_desc_header_t
 0x01 to 0xFE More...
typedef PACKED_STRUCT zdo_simple_desc_req_t
 frame format for ZDO Simple_Desc request More...
typedef PACKED_STRUCT zdo_simple_desc_resp_header_t
 header for ZDO Simple_Desc response, followed by a SimpleDescriptor More...
typedef PACKED_STRUCT zdo_user_desc_req_t


wpan_ep_state_t FAR * zdo_endpoint_state (wpan_dev_t *dev)
 Returns the ZDO endpoint's state if a device has a ZDO endpoint. More...
int zdo_handler (const wpan_envelope_t FAR *envelope, wpan_ep_state_t FAR *ep_state)
 Process ZDO frames (received on endpoint 0 with Profile ID 0). More...
int zdo_match_desc_request (void *buffer, int16_t buflen, uint16_t addr_of_interest, uint16_t profile_id, const uint16_t *inClust, const uint16_t *outClust)
 Generate a Match_Desc (Match Descriptor) request (ZigBee spec to send on the network. Note that the first byte of buffer is NOT set, and that the caller should set it to the next sequence number/transaction ID. More...
int zdo_mgmt_leave_req (wpan_dev_t *dev, const addr64 *address, uint16_t flags)
 Send a ZDO Management Leave Request. More...
int zdo_send_bind_req (wpan_envelope_t *envelope, uint16_t type, wpan_response_fn callback, void FAR *context)
 Send a ZDO Bind (or Unbind) Request to the destination address in the envelope. More...
int zdo_send_descriptor_req (wpan_envelope_t *envelope, uint16_t cluster, uint16_t addr_of_interest, wpan_response_fn callback, const void FAR *context)
 Send a ZDO Node, Power, Complex or User Descriptor request, or an Active Endpoint request. More...
int zdo_send_ieee_addr_req (wpan_dev_t *dev, uint16_t net_addr, addr64 FAR *ieee_be)
 Given a device's 16-bit network address, get its IEEE (64-bit) address by unicasting a ZDO IEEE_addr request to it. More...
int zdo_send_nwk_addr_req (wpan_dev_t *dev, const addr64 FAR *ieee_be, uint16_t FAR *net)
 Given a device's IEEE (64-bit) address, get its 16-bit network address by unicasting a ZDO NWK_addr request to it. More...
int zdo_send_response (const wpan_envelope_t FAR *request, const void FAR *response, uint16_t length)
 Send a response to a ZDO request. More...
int zdo_simple_desc_request (wpan_envelope_t *envelope, uint16_t addr_of_interest, uint_fast8_t endpoint, wpan_response_fn callback, const void FAR *context)
 Send a ZDO Simple Descriptor Request. More...


uint8_t capability
 see ZDO_CAPABILITY_* macros More...
uint16_t cluster_id_le
uint8_t desc_capability
uint16_t device_id_le
 endpoint's device ID (little-endian) More...
uint8_t device_version
 upper 4 bits are reserved More...
uint8_t dst_addr_mode
addr64 dst_address_le
uint8_t dst_endpoint
uint8_t endpoint
 0x01 to 0xFE More...
uint8_t ep_count
uint8_t flags
uint8_t flags1
uint16_t group_addr_le
addr64 ieee_address_le
addr64 ieee_remote_le
uint16_t in_cluster_list [1]
 variable length More...
uint8_t length
 length of simple descriptor More...
uint8_t mac_capability
uint16_t manufacturer_le
uint8_t match_length
uint8_t max_buffer
uint16_t max_incoming_le
uint16_t max_outgoing_le
uint16_t net_remote_le
uint16_t network_addr_le
 device's network address (little-endian) More...
zdo_node_desc_t node_desc
uint8_t num_assoc_dev
uint8_t num_in_clusters
uint16_t out_cluster_list [1]
 variable length More...
uint8_t power1
 combination of ZDO_POWER1_* macros More...
zdo_power_desc_t power_desc
uint16_t profile_id_le
 endpoint's profile ID (little-endian) More...
uint8_t request_type
 See ZDO_REQUEST_TYPE_* macros. More...
uint16_t server_mask_le
uint8_t src_endpoint
uint8_t start_index

Detailed Description

ZigBee Device Objects (ZDO) and ZigBee Device Profile (ZDP).